Thanksgiving......2009......already here. My goodness! Where has the year gone??? As we reflect on our blessings, let us not forget our troops and their families serving our country both at home and abroad. I hope that everyone enjoys their day, in whatever manner the celebration takes form. My day will include preparation of the traditional meal....the nice fat bird, the stuffing, the mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and on and on! I truly love preparing the grande feast!! And obviously, I enjoy eating it, too!! :) Then there is football.......and I do hope that the Broncos are able to pull off a win, to break this long spell of losses. And.....the Texas/Texas A&M game is being played at the same time, I believe.....hmmmm....that's a problem!! Travel safe, count your blessings, share with others, and enjoy the day!! Blessings to all, Trudy