Halloween is here!!! The ghosts and goblins, witches and pirates, clowns and rock stars, princes and princesses, kings and queens....they are everywhere!!! What fun!! Hopefully everyone will enjoy a safe and happy day and evening as we pass from October into November 2008!! Goodness!! Where has the year gone?!! And.......the time change. argh. Not sure I like the time change........I have shared some pictures to help set the mood for the day!! The white house is home to granddaughter Sadie here in Colorado, and is shown a week or so ago in the early stages of decorating. The other pictures are from a nearby home that goes all out decorating for the season!! And.....the precious pirate is a picture sent this morning of granddaughter Madison, dressed for her "school" party yesterday!! Happy Haunting!! Happy Halloween!!
Fun Fun Halloween pics!... love that old white house and adorable little Madison :)
Happy Halloween to you Trudy!
~ Johanna
Thank you, Johanna!! How did you like our unusually warm Halloween??? Hard to believe, huh? ~~Trudy~~
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