Oh my oooooh my........where do my days and nights go??!!! Summer has gone (well, according to the calendar and the weather reporter), Fall has arrived in some areas, football is well underway, and the NBA is holding training camp with their season just around the corner. Fall means the rush to build inventory for the one show I do each year. September is a wild month in our household since there are a zillion birthdays.....mine, Mike's, daughter's, daughter-in-law's, and granddaughter Sadie's. Whew!!
I have managed to publish a few more patterns, which can be found on Patternmart as instant downloads, and the other pattern sites you see in the left sidebar.
I am proud to announce that I have more work published in the second issue of PRIMS magazine, which you may be able to find on your local newstands any day now!! Be on the lookout for it!! This is a GRAND publication from Stampington and Company. You can follow the link above to order by mail, too!!
Hope this finds everyone well, enjoy the season, and the busiest time of year for many of us!! Prim Blessings, Trudy