Well, November is well underway, and I am loving the scenes, the scents, and the hints of winter on the way!! Fall in Colorado is truly wonderful!! After living in Austin, TX for nearly 30 years, and not really getting to experience all four seasons, this mountain living is fabulous!! Being outdoors, tromping through the woods or exploring a new trail......that's heavenly!! The leaves are long gone up in the higher elevations, but are still gleaming and glistening here at 6,000 feet. My cold hardy flowers survived the brief snow that we had a couple weeks ago, but the warm natured folks are wilted....but not gone. I like to leave them for interest throughout the winter, and them put them to rest in the spring!! I hope everyone is enjoying the time of year, the signs of nature going to sleep, and the onset of the busy holiday time. I did my first show in Colorado, and the first show in many, many years, and I must celebrate!! It was a SUPERB success!! So.....I signed up for another one!! I hope it is a pleasurable experience, too!! If anyone is in the area, we'll be at the Littleton United Methodist Church on Saturday, on Datura Street in Littleton, CO!! Come by to say hello, and do some shopping, too!! Until next time....find the fun is everything you do!! Hugs, Trudy