Thoughts and prayers go out to all those in the path of Hurricane Ike. Being somewhat of a news addict, I was glued to CNN most of the night, hoping that all those in the path of the hurricane would be okay. I am amazed at those folks that chose to stay behind, and not head to safer surroundings. I'm even more amazed at the nerve of the reporters. Not sure if that is heroism or stupidity!! I lived in Southern Florida during David, and that was enough for me!! Then came Andrew. Although my many years in Austin brought bad weather days from the hurricanes in the Gulf, it seems that Austin has been spared from this one.
While the hurricane was making the move across the Gulf, a front moved through Colorado, bringing fresh snow to the high country. This is a picture of what I saw this morning, as the overcast skies and clouds had cleared during the night, bringing my wonderful view back to life...although the humidity haze still lingers. Fall is definitely in the air!
I would love to wake up to that view!
Thank you for stopping by, ladies. Continued prayers and thoughts for those who are suffering from the aftermath of the hurricane. ~~Trudy~~
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