I love crows (oh, really?!).....and almost always have two or three that come to visit on a regular basis. As Mike left for work one morning recently, he saw this guy on the neighbor's roof, and low and behold.....there were actually two of them visiting!! I hear their distinct caw...caw....caw....while I am working, and have to stop, get the camera, and try to find them. They are wise and beautiful birds, and one of my favorites!!
We have lots and lots of crows around where we live. They are such a common bird here, and their crowing sound seems different from what I remember of crows back in the US. Maybe my memory isn't good or something. Hehehe!
We have crows too, I usually hear and see them in the morning. One morning I looked out the kitchen window and there was a deer and a crow standing in our driveway:)
Thanks for visiting Andrea and Rondell!! Crows are too cool!! Hugs, Trudy
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