I feel so honored to have received this "You Make My Day" award from Cathy of Hazelruthe's!! This very special gift arrived for me yesterday, and I must now pass it on to some other friends in blogland that "make my day"!! There are many!!! Also, before I could get to the task of awarding my friends with Cathy's award.....I got another award from De of Bowls-n-Annies!!! LUCKY ME!! I feel very special, and very honored!!! Today will be passing on my award from Cathy, and here are the rules!!
The rules for the “You Make My Day” award are to present it to those whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blog land. Let them know through email or by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on.
I could award soooo many wonderful people, but here are a few of "My blogland friends whose blogs bring me happiness and inspiration, making me feel happy about blogland"!!
Deena, of Can I Be Pretty in Pink?
Johanna, of Johanna Parker Designs
Martha, of MJ Ornaments
Jean, of In the Garden with Miss Jean
Hugs and happy blogging to all, and a special thanks to Cathy for my award!! Trudy
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