I was so graciously awarded the "You Make My Day Award" two times, and now will pass on my second award, given to me by De of Bowls-n-Annies!! This award is being given to those whose blogs I love to visit, who inspire me, make me feel good, and bring joy to me and others!! Please pass this along to someone that "makes your day", dear friends in blogland!! I will now share this award with these great bloggers! Please know that if you have been inundated with awards, or don't care to play, that's okay!! Just know that you truly do "MAKE MY DAY"!!! Also.......disclaimer ......this is not an inclusive list!! There are many, many many whose blogs inspire me and make my day!! Just trying to share the joy here, and I noted that some of you have received this award a bunch!! So....I will get you next time!! Hugs to all, Trudy......with a special thanks to De for the award!!!
Missy of Crafty Carnival
Nicole of Raggedy Old Annies
Renee of Crows Roost Prims
Katie of Kates Kountry Kottage
my first award!! thanks so much Trudy... you make my day as well♥Katie
Hi, Katie!! You are most welcome!! Keep on bloggin'!! Hugs, Trudy
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